Month: February 2025

Project reviews

Yoan Sewing Studio Small Trifold Wallet Review

Accordion style wallets aren’t for everyone. There are other options for small wallets and compact wallets. This is a Yoan Sewing Studio Small Trifold Wallet review. The link for the free Yoan Sewing Studio Small Trifold Wallet pattern and video tutorial is: Small Trifold Wallet This project is for personal use. For the purposes of …

Project reviews

Compact Accordion Wallet Review

Checkbook style or smartphone wallets too big? Minimalist wallets too small? There are some wallet styles that fit in between. This is a Spencer Ogg Compact Accordion Wallet review. The purchase link for the Spencer Ogg Compact Accordion Wallet is: Spencer Ogg Compact Accordion Wallet This project is for personal use. For the purposes of …