Project reviews

Travel Jewelry Case2

In the fall of 2016, several friends and family members were making travel plans for 2017. I decided that travel themed gifts would hit the spot for Christmas. Travel trays and matching travel jewelry cases were the most appealing to me. I scoured the internet for free tutorials and found two that I really wanted to try. As much as I love Caroline Fairbanks-Critchfield’s travel jewelry case (review here), I needed something that I sew could more quickly. The second travel jewelry case tutorial that I tried is by Amy at Positively Splendid. You can read the online tutorial and download the PDF pattern here:

Travel Jewelry Case

Note this pattern is for personal use only.

Here are my thoughts on this project.

The tutorial beings with a description of the project and some great photos of a finished jewelry case in use. Next is the pattern and list of materials. Immediately after the list is the seam allowance information. I always appreciate it when the seam allowance information is easy to find.

The tutorial begins with instructions for piecing the PDF pattern together. The tutorial steps are not numbered, but I found the project came together rather quickly. First we make the pockets, ring holder and earing holder; attaching each one to the interior as we go. Next we sew the exterior. Lastly the interior and exterior are sewn together with bias tape. I don’t sew with bias tape often. If you have a bias tape foot I recommend using it for this final step. It makes your results look more professional.

Here is a photo of one of my finished travel jewelry cases.

Travel Jewelry Case interior (Sewn By Tanya project review of Positively Splendid Travel Jewelry Case)
Travel Jewelry Case interior

The vinyl that I had was too thin so I used a piece of felt for the earring holder. I really like how flat this jewellery holder is when empty. It folds up in thirds which helps keep your jewelry from escaping from the smaller pockets. The ribbon closure means this travel jewelry tray is it’s own gift wrap. Friends and family who received one for Christmas really loved it. I would make this pattern again.

Do you use a travel jewelry case? Have you tried this pattern?


Sewn By Tanya project review: Travel Jewelry Case (Positively Spendid)
Sewn By Tanya project review: Travel Jewelry Case (Positively Spendid)

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